Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Microsoft Office 2010 - Install

Office Professional 2010

Part 1 - Installation

When writing a review/guide of a product like Microsoft’s Office 2010 there has to be some kind of perspective into which it fits. There was a book I once read and used about Access 2003. After the usual preface, acknowledgements and the like there were a couple of boxes explaining some of the basics. One of them about the mouse and its functions! Apparently this was for those who needed a technical analysis of Access but hadn’t quite grasped the mouse pointer.

My problem was, and is, that if you need to learn the basics about using a mouse then you shouldn’t really be reading an advanced Access users guide unless you’re really bored. That in mind, this review/guide will cover anything and everything about Office 2100 whilst assuming a reasonable basic knowledge of previous versions. There won’t be many conventions (something regarded as a normative example) in this review. The emphasis will be on pain English explanations.

There isn’t much to say about the first installation apart from it was good to watch and concluded with an invitation to Send-a Smile.

More images...

More about Send-a-Smile later.

Word 2010

Next, Word 2010


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