Word 2010 - Part 4 Insert/Screenshot
A really nice new feature of Word 14 is the Screenshot (screen capture) it is like having a Photoshop/photo editing program hidden inside Word. Screenshot is also included in PowerPoint 2010.
On the Insert Tab ‘click’ its icon to see a thumbnail preview of all windows showing on the desktop. Either select one or click Screen Clipping. Screen Clipping takes you to the desktop covered with a grey mask. Drag/Click the desired area, releasing the mouse automatically inserts the selection in the document.
Choosing one of the Available Screen Shots thumbnails from the dropdown is the real strength of the tool. It does everything for you. Click on the thumbnail and it inserts into the document opening the Picture Tools - Format Ribbon which is divided into:
- Adjust
- Picture Styles
- Background Removal
- Arrange
- Size
Having inserted the image (in this case a yahoo messenger window) hovering the mouse over the various Picture Style effects shows a real-time preview in the document. In this case I’ve selected the Relaxed Perspective, white. I will cover Background Removal (a new and very cool feature) and Text Wrapping on another image (to follow...).
On the right of the Picture Styles section:
- Picture Boarder – Specify the colour, width, and the line style for the outline of the selected shape.
- Picture Effects – Apply a visual effect to the picture, such as a shadow, glow, reflection or 3d rotation.
- Picture Layout – Convert to SmartArt Graphic.
Each option had its own dropdown menu with thumbnails and full preview in the document. In this case I’ve chosen Picture Effects>Glow>Orange, 18 pt glow, Accent colour 6. The effect can be customised, in this case Picture Effects>Glow>Glow Options:
- Presets
- Colour
- Size
- Transparency
The Adjust section of the ribbon consists of:
- Corrections – Improve the Brightness, Contrast or Sharpness of the picture.
- Color – Change the colour of the picture to improve quality or match document content.
- Artistic Effects – Add artistic effects to the picture to make it look more like a sketch or painting.
- Compress Picture – Compress pictures in the document to reduce its size.
- Change Picture – Change to a different picture, preserving the formatting and size of the current picture.
- Reset Picture - Discard all of the formatting changes you made to this picture.
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